Questions to Ask After a Job Interview

In my post on 10 questions to ask in a job interview, I commented on the most typical questions you usually ask in the selection processes of large and medium-sized companies. Knowing how to answer those questions correctly is necessary in order to have options to get the job.

However, many candidates think that this is enough to get the job they choose, and nothing further from reality. When competing against other candidates, it is the small details that make the difference between getting the job, or continuing to seek employment. Asking the right questions at the end of the interview is one of them. In this post I will tell you 10 questions that you should ask in a job interview.

Why should you ask questions at a job interview?

Because the job interview serves to discover if there is a mutual interest on both sides. It is not only the company that should see if you are interested as a candidate, but also you should know if you are interested in the job. And you get that by asking the right questions at the end of the interview.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to choose a job that you do not like, for the simple fact of earning money. You may earn money for a while, but in reality, if that job is not for you, you are fooling yourself, you will lose your motivation, and you will not do your job well and, in the long run, your career will stall and stop. Increase your salary.

However, choosing the right job can mean evolving and earning more and more money over the years, as well as enjoying what you do.

When you choose a job, you want to be sure that it is the right job for you in the long run, and that it makes sense within your career, and the lifestyle you want to lead. That's where the questions you ask play a key role, as they help you decide if that work is right or wrong.

What should you keep in mind when asking questions?

You must take into account different factors:
  •     Company: What reputation do you have? What do you know about it? What is your business model? How do they manage people?
  •     Job Location: Why do you need a person for that position? Do you conform to what you are looking for?
  •     Expectations: where do you see yourself in 2, 5 or 10 years? Does that company fit that position with your expectations?

10 Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

Just as the interviewer will ask questions of you to find out if you are interested as a candidate, you should ask the right questions to know if the company and the position interest you. Here are ten questions you can ask at the end of the job interview:

Questions About the Company

The first thing is to see if the company suits you. You do not want to go to a company that can close after three months, or suspend payment of the payroll at any given time, leaving you unemployed.

# 1 How many years has this company been running?
90% of companies close after 5 years of life. The longer the company is in operation, the greater the chances of survival, and the lower the risk of work when dismissing workers.

# 2 What is the current financial situation of the company?
The next thing is to check if the company is financially viable. Even if the company has been working for some time, it must be known if the company is able to continue financing its activity. If your income and cost structure is sustainable.

We have seen in recent years how the crisis has brought about the closure of companies that had been operating for years, but whose financial management has been deficient. If the company consistently benefits, you have another good sign that you may be interested in working there.

# 3 How many workers are there in the company?
The size of the company is another important factor. The greater the number of workers, the greater the volume of income if the financial situation is good, and thus the risk to the worker when accepting the position.

# 4 What competitive advantage do you have over your competitors?
Another key factor is to identify the environment in which the company develops its activity, and who are its competitors. You want to know how that company differs from its competitors to know if it is likely to survive times of crisis or a strong competition in terms of prices or shortage of sales.

For example, the textile sector is among the most competitive in the world. Companies like Inditex (the largest in the world) are very safe, while smaller companies are disadvantaged, and may close in times of crisis if they do not have a competitive advantage.

Questions About the Job

The next thing is to see if the job is tailored to what you want, in terms of career, and lifestyle. Define your priorities, and find out how they fit into that job.

# 5 Why are you looking for a candidate to fill that job?
With this question you try to find out what are the reasons why the company has not filled the vacancy they have. Maybe they are growing and are hiring people? Or, on the contrary, the person who occupied that job was gone because the conditions were not good?

Obviously the interviewer will not say anything negative, but if the reason you give is not clear, or the answer is not consistent, you should be aware that the causes could be a bad working environment or unattractive working conditions from the point of view Salary and career.

# 6 What type of profile are you looking for in the ideal candidate?
With this question you want to get two things: to give you information that is not in the job description, in terms of skills and abilities, and focus on those aspects that stand out to make them see that your profile is appropriate.

# 7 What promotion possibilities are there in your company?
As I said, when you choose a job it is very important to look at the long term, so you want to make sure that you have the potential to evolve. Where will you be in 2, 5 or 10 years if you stay in that company? The companies that offer you a professional career allow you to grow and revalue as a professional every year.

If you do not have a chance to move up, that is a sign of alarm, because when a company does not have a defined career plan for its employees, it means that it does not invest in them, because the company assumes that they are a resource whose cost must be minimal , And your salary therefore, too.

Questions About your Expectations

Another relevant aspect when asking questions, are the expectations you have about the job. Factors such as career, training or work environment, are fundamental in maintaining motivation and good performance in your work. You can ask the following questions:

# 8 What training options are there in your company?
The companies that train their employees are a very good option to work, especially in the early years of your professional career, where your number one priority should be to learn, since the more you learn, the more you re-profile your profile. In addition training is a way to pay back their workers, since it has a cost that the company assumes.

Again, if the company has no training plan, it is a warning sign, as it means that it does not invest in its workers.

# 9 What holds the workers in your company?
This is a very good question, since it has a double effect: if the interviewer is not accustomed, it will surprise and bother him. You will have to find a quick answer, and if it is not consistent, he will know that he will be in a position of weakness in front of you.

The second effect is that this in turn allows you to earn points, since you show that you want to establish a peer-to-peer relationship with the company: they may evaluate you to see if you are interested, but you also evaluate them. That's the difference between who enters a company as a winner, who enters as an employee more.

# 10 How do you evaluate workers' performance and pay?
Another key aspect, do not ask directly for the salary, but you do get a response that allows you to know if your salary has real possibilities to increase in the long term consistently. The best companies are those who pay directly according to the performance of the worker, and not the result of the company.

You can ask more questions, but usually by asking 5 or 6 questions of these 10, you show the interviewer two things:
  •     That you are a professional that you know what you want, and therefore you increase your value in front of him.
  •     That the interest should be mutual. The company evaluates you, but you to the company as well.

When you ask, look at each interviewer's reaction, look for possible inconsistencies or weaknesses of the company, and evaluate everything after the interview. By doing this you will be ahead of the other 99% of the candidates.

Questions to Ask After a Job Interview Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Sarah Monica
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