Job Interview: Most Repeated Questions And How To Answer Them

Doing a job interview is an art, as well as great luck, considering that unemployment affects almost six million people in Spain. For years, success manuals such as Dumon's Own Stand, or How to Make Successful Interviews by Breakwell, have tried to help the candidate overcome the much-feared test.

In addition, the temporary work, human resources and labor councils of the Autonomous Communities print brochures or give courses and workshops on the subject.

With a large part of this enormous material, plus the experience of professional selection experts, it is possible to obtain a series of questions that are repeated continuously in a job interview. This article from Eroski Consumer sets out 20 basic questions for every job interview and how to respond in the most appropriate way.

It is recommended not to improvise and carry the reflections prepared to the appointment.

  • Maintaining a positive attitude in the answers and being honest generates points.
  • Never talk about the previous company because it generates mistrust.
  • Knowing 'selling' is key during the intervention but without losing humility.

Although an interview may consist of hundreds of questions, among the most reiterated, according to several companies and departments of Human Resources, are the 20 that are discussed in this article. And, in addition, they coincide with most of those found in the main manuals published on the subject, such as Job Interview: how to overcome the interviews and get the job you want, among many others :

Most Repeated Questions And How To Answer Them

Most Repeated Questions And How To Answer Them

1. How would you define it?

It's no good to improvise. It is necessary to have prepared a response, to have made a previous reflection regarding the formation, values ​​... how the work performs. It is not a matter of showing off personal achievements, but of expressing one's worth, without false modesty. And, of course, it is worth emphasizing the capacity to recover from failure or failure, as well as to emphasize the spirit of sacrifice and the importance attached to the effort.

2. What studies do you have? Why did he choose them? Would he study the same thing again?

The answers depend on each person and their situation in those moments. But it is always good to adopt a positive attitude towards these questions and to suggest that the formative experiences were positive in all or in some respect.

If there was something negative and you want to comment, it should be done with an optimistic view of the results. Leaving a college degree in the middle can be a negative thing, but deciding that something "is not your forte" is difficult and doing so indicates having character and not being satisfied. It should be noted that it served as an experience and that the subjects studied were useful, both for the rest of the studies and for the career.

These types of questions can be repeated throughout the interview: which subjects liked the most, which was the most qualified, and so on. It is intended to see if the candidate is consistent and appropriate to the position that is demanded, taking into account their tastes and attitude and degree of knowledge on the subject in which they will develop their daily work.

3. Have you worked before? Why did he leave or was he fired?

You have to be sincere and clear. Nothing happens because he was fired from a job, and is increasingly valued flexibility and know how to adapt to uncomfortable situations.

Before the interview, it is useful to reflect on the reasons for the dismissal and to have a concrete response. Also, it is advisable to comment on some positive aspect that has been able to draw from an "a priori" unpleasant situation.

4. Did your previous job meet your expectations? And you? What were your achievements?

Before going to the interview (and before answering this type of questions) it is advisable to take some time and reflect, both on how comfortable you were in the previous job and on the goals that were achieved. It is also essential to identify the commonalities of a previous success with what is required for the position or task that is intended to be achieved.

5. How have your previous bosses treated you? What opinion do you deserve?

Never, under any circumstances, should speak evil of the old bosses. Nor of the companions. If the work and personal relationship was very bad, it is advisable to try to divert the subject and be as discreet as possible. Being a negative person and speaking badly of others, always generates mistrust in who is opposite.

6. Describe to your best friend (your father, your partner ...)

Bewilderment and the ability to overcome it. This is what you are looking for with these kinds of questions. The sudden change of rhythm and thematic of the interview caught the candidate unawares.

Not to worry too much, because they are not questions that influence decisively in the final election. But the verbal ability, to summarize, or what values ​​the most important candidate considers depending on the description, will be evaluated.

7. What have you done while unemployed?

It is not the same to be unemployed to be doing nothing. It is highly appreciated that, while you are unemployed, a person takes courses to improve their level of language or computer literacy, or take doctoral or master's degree courses, etc. Demonstrating restlessness and non-passivity is fundamental to success.

8. What do you know about our company? Why did you choose it?

You must go prepared and informed about the company. Here you should show interest in the company and the position you want to cover. It can be said that the magnitude, seriousness, sector, possibilities of progression, etc. are very interesting. That the company can provide.

With regard to questions about what can be contributed to the company, it is necessary to list the virtues and capacity.

9. If you had to hire a person for the position, what criteria would you set?

Other times he asks himself: "Why do you think you are suitable for the vacancy?" Expressed in one way or another, he pretends that the candidate explains what characteristics he believes essential for the position he intends to cover and that he demonstrates that he has them.

In addition, it allows the interviewer to confront the candidate's opinion during the interview with what the applicant himself thinks about himself and his capacity for the position. It is necessary to respond, in a clear and direct way, what experience and knowledge they have, as well as the most appropriate competencies for the specific job.

10. Can I get reports on your previous jobs?

Although dismissed, it is not always due to negative causes, especially in the midst of a crisis. It is important to remind the interviewer that in the curriculum there are companies in which services have been provided and it is also advisable to give concrete names of people - better, referring to the company or the sector - that can give a positive opinion of the work done.

11. Are you a smoker?

It is a question that until a few years ago was unthinkable in a job interview. But reality has set in, and non-smokers look with better eyes.

Even so, you have to answer the truth, although it should be noted that you only smoke outside working hours. If you smoke a lot, you have to explain that it will only be done in small moments, those established by each company, and that you are willing to recover the lost minutes.

12. Do you prefer to work alone or as a team? Why?

It should be noted that, of course, you are a "team man", and have prepared examples of real situations that prove it. But it is also worth noting that in case of having to do a solo work, the availability is total.

13. Are you married? Do you have a boyfriend or family?

As happened with the question asking to describe a friend, etc. Serve to disconcert the interviewee, see how he is able to fit a sudden change of pace, his ability to improvise ...

Other times, you may ask: Do you plan to be a parent? Who does he live with? This type of questions also serves to know the availability of travel. It also provides extra information about the candidate.

If you consider these types of questions as intimate, you should tell the person you interview, sincerely and calmly. And change topic as soon as possible.

14. How do you work under pressure?

Of course, it is good to know how to work under pressure. But you have to be sincere: the ideal situation to be able to develop any job well is to have time and tranquility, but you can always do it in other conditions.

And if possible, you should bring real examples to show how you have managed to get a good job under harsh conditions.

15. Are you in good health? Do you take care to be in shape?

You have to answer naturally and sincerely. But, if you can, it should be shown that in leisure time it is shared with more people, such as playing a team sport. Thus, it is revealed, moreover, that one is a person with ease to relate and integrate.

16. How much do you think you should win? And in the future?

If you are looking for a first job, it would be convenient to say that while money is an important factor, the greatest motivation is to find a job and gain experience. You do not have to talk about figures.

If you have a certain (or a lot) of experience, you can openly comment on the last payment and express that you have economic expectations above that figure, although without triggering much of the amount.

17. What are your strengths?

It is necessary to have done before going to the interview an exercise of personal self-knowledge. In this way, there is a clear mental outline of what are the strengths and weaknesses, the virtues and the defects, both professional and personal.

18. What about your weaknesses or weaknesses?

It is good to have an optimistic view and be positive in the response. It is necessary to try to show as defects aspects that, in fact, can be positive: "Sometimes I am something slow, because I am very perfectionist", "I am stubborn and I do not stop until obtaining something", etc. They are flaws, but well-channeled, they are virtues for a job.

19. Do you speak English?

They can be asked directly in English (or in French or German, if the position requires knowledge of those languages). You never have to lie about the language level, as it will be checked at the interview or the first few days of work. If the position implies knowing a language, you have to master it.

In case the knowledge of a language is secondary to the position to be achieved, it is necessary to indicate that it is intended to reinforce the knowledge of languages ​​(if you are doing a course, better) and you have availability to receive any course That the company imparts.

20. Do you have any questions?

With this question they pretend to know the interest in the offer and the organization of the company. It is advisable to have prepared questions that show interest in working there and for the concrete work that is requested. You can ask questions about the department in which you will work, whether there is internal training, what projects there are, etc.

You also have to show interest in how the selection process will continue, so it is worth asking if you will receive a call or letter, whether there will be more interviews or some evidence, etc.

Interview: not only does the curriculum matter

A few years ago, in a job interview, the curriculum was especially valued: grades, masters, languages ​​... While training continues to be the most important thing, current selection tests also value aspects such as leadership, To work in a team and to negotiate, to resist in situations of stress or to reconcile family and professional life.

And, obviously, the questions, in a direct or indirect way, try to squeeze out how the candidate works in these areas too.

In every interview there are equal questions formulated in different ways, to know the level of coherence and sincerity of the candidate. Others are of general culture and there are also some personal and intimate ones, which startled at first and are useful to know more the applicant.

Although it is necessary to prepare the interview, to inquire about the company and the vacant position, we must not lose sight of the need to be natural, without adopting attitudes that do not correspond with the way of being. If an interviewer perceives that you act in a forced manner, you will immediately mistrust.

Job Interview: Most Repeated Questions And How To Answer Them Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Sarah Monica
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